Building and Deploying a simple fastapi app

Building and Deploying a simple fastapi app

Edit: Shifted to Vercel for deployment I built a small project, so small that I cannot even call it a microservice, it is a nano-service, deployed on render, on a free-tier compute service that automatically goes down after a few hours of inactivity.

Ha ha ha. So much fun.

It is a simple service, with simple code, I'll attach a link here to the github repo, the README is clean and easy to read.

Here is the repo:

The use case is pretty simple, the timestamps in our db are in epochs, and I have to always go to some service to convert it into IST. So I built a service that gives me the IST time and my preferred datetime format. We can also change the time zone but it defaults to Asia/Kolkata.

Building APIs has become second nature to me, and I used it to build this small service.

The deployment process is very easy, just go to render, connect github, enter the run command, and you are done. That's it. (Follow the steps man if you are a software engineer it will be so easy - like sitting in an autonomous vehicle)

A link to swagger docs: (might not work in the future)

There is no automated pipeline because of *the free tier* service, but how many times am I gonna deploy it lol.

An automated CI/CD pipeline for side projects sounds tiring and is a luxury.

Anyway, that's it for today. More experiments in the pipeline, maybe. Dunno.